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Why does it beggar belief?   I must say though he doesn't appear to have been the shrinking violet then that he's claimed to be now.

 He may have been a pleasant person in the past but got corrupted somehow. He now deserves no pity, what came over him?.

The agency sent him to do a trailer.

Why does it beggar belief?


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"why does it beggar belief? " - so it's common for kids to go on and murder 3 people after doing a Dr Who impression for CIN, right oh!

It's not common for any kid to go on to murder people.  That he happened to appear in that is neither here nor there.

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...that's why it beggars belief! Gawd it's hard work on here sometimes!

The two have no connection. How many seemingly quiet unassuming people have gone on to kill spouses or neighbours in the past? 

At least he wasn't killed by the cops...maybe we'll get an 'explanation'.

Well, it wouldn't be the first time an evil *** has appeared on TV. The BBC are compliant in a few of them in the past, but I think they'd had needed a working TARDIS to have known about this one. 

Naomi makes a good point though. I'm not sure how suddenly autism can take hold of someone, but he doesn't seem to be scared to leave his bedroom there.

Are questioning the autism spectrum disorder diagnosis, Mozz?


Are you ^

Does schizophrenia first manifest itself in the mid teens?  That might go some way to explain this dreadful action.

 Here in the UK there have been children much younger than seventeen who have killed people over the past few years. 

Well, Clone. As I said, I do not know the particulars of whatever form of autism he was diagnosed with, but reports that he seldom spoke of left his room don't seem to match the young man fronting an ad campaign for Doctor Who.

It'll take more than a sonic screwdriver to protect him from what's coming down the tracks at him.

Shame he won't be exterminated Douglas.

I doubt the autism excuse. Probably been radicalised via the internet.

It will be --'mental health problems' and psychiatric care in hospital for life. 

It should be a lethal injection.

His defence team will struggle to cobble together any sort of defence.

I care little quite why he did what he did, he needs to forfeit his liberty 'for life'.


I would like to know why he targeted that little play group specifically.


It's why 'the spectrum' was created.

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