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First you have to understand time.
(1)How it moves; (2) how to measure it; (3) how to calculate it. But there one thing about time you don’t know yes, and cannot know?

Where time began and where it is going throughout eternity. Only Jehovah possesses such knowledge.

For you would be like the ant trying to understand man’s beginning and God’s purpose in putting humans on earth. Such knowledge is far beyond the comprehension of that small ant,so for a atheist got no hope.
Goodlife, //Where time began and where it is going throughout eternity. Only Jehovah possesses such knowledge.//

Ah, so that’s the answer. No surprise the JWs got all those predictions about the end of time wrong then. ;o)
naomi@ Believe what you like, it your life, but a temporary one.
Oh dear. Am I wrong? Did the Jehovah's Witnesses not wrongly predict the end of time ..... several times?
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only in as much as someone may be baffled when watching other tv shows - such as a medical or legal programme, or one about plumbing or electrics, and hearing all the jargon used in the industry - they don't really understand it - and why would they?
and why should they?

i don't know all that stuff because i have no interest in knowing it - its only important to people its important to ...

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