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Religious Women

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-Talbot- | 13:26 Thu 03rd Jan 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
89 Answers
Unless I'm mistaken every religion treats you like a second class citizen... so what can the possible draw to religion be?



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and i can't be a male nun lmao
Yes RR, I would choose a male carer for my kids too, if I had any :(

I think men make lovely caregivers for littlies x
also google "Libby Lane "
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Many people think Muslim women are suppressed due to Burkas etc.. But a lot of Muslim women actually choose to wear them, and say they feel empowered..

And a hell of a lot of women don't
No woman HAS to wear a hijab.. Especially if her husband doens't wish it upon her.

You know they can stop being religious.. right?
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No woman HAS to wear a hijab..

Yes the do.

try reading the twitter feed.
Historically, women have been treated like second class citizens by society in general. It was only 100 years ago they got the vote in this country, and they're still struggling to get equal pay.

Religions just reflect that but they're more retarded, being based on ancient scribblings that are the word of god so must never be questioned or changed.
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Khandro, educate me on the Buddhism, Evangelical set up.
Everyone has a choice.
"Bridal consultant"? Spath you are obviously far too busy to watch Say Yes to the dress - in all its variants the top consultant is a man
the majority of bridal consultants are women.
same as wedding planners.
//No woman HAS to wear a hijab.. Especially if her husband doens't wish it upon her. //

Her husband? And you say women have equality? Spath, take a breath for goodness sake.
^^^ you're hilarious Spath, any man could become a bridal consultant if he wished or a wedding planner, it's not the same as being treated as if you are inferior simply because some men don't choose to do it.
Just because the majority are women doesn’t mean that men are unable to do the job.
The majority of chefs are men but I trained as a chef and had a decent career. The only female in a class of 30'll all turn out to be 'moot' somehow....

I'll see your male Nun, spath, and raise you a female Monk.
Like Marina?
> It depends on how you view it.
> Through secular eyes, or from God's perspective.

I view it through secular eyes. How do you view it?

Let's suppose you can somehow view it from God's perspective (very condescending of you, BTW) and that therefore He thinks that women are only fit for some roles. Going back to Talbot's question in the OP:

"Religious Women: Unless I'm mistaken every religion treats you like a second class citizen... so what can the possible draw to religion be?"

What's the answer? What is the draw to your religion, especially for women, when according to you it's your very God, not your religion's practitioners, who has determined that women should be treated less well?
I think there is quite a bit of misunderstanding here.
If Naomi wants to be a bishop, then from a secular perspective, no problem.
A lot of clergy are actually atheists.
Naomi could also be a priest.

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