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Religious Women

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-Talbot- | 13:26 Thu 03rd Jan 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
89 Answers
Unless I'm mistaken every religion treats you like a second class citizen... so what can the possible draw to religion be?



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> If Naomi wants to be a bishop, then from a secular perspective, no problem.

That wasn't the question though ... in fact it was the very opposite of the question, which was:

Religious Women: Unless I'm mistaken every religion treats you like a second class citizen... so what can the possible draw to religion be?

Is your answer "Religious women (rather than, say, secular women) don't see it as being treated like a second class citizen precisely because they're religious women, which makes them accepting of the difference?"
Talbot //Khandro, educate me on the Buddhism, Evangelical set up.//

Nowadays, some of the best writers on religion are women. Kathleen McDonald is a Buddhist nun and her book, How to Meditate is considered to be one of the best in the field; User Recommendation

Karen Armstrong is an ex-nun who has a prodigious knowledge of the Christian and other religions, and has many excellent books to her credit. Try; User Recommendation
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We can expect a Dalai Mama very soon then?
Church of England and Church in Wales both have women bishops.
Buddhism: in the Thai Theravada Forest Sangha tradition [in the West] both men and women monastics get to be Ajahns [seniors] after ten years. Very different in Thailand.
Theland said he did not want to go to a church near him with a woman vicar, let alone a bishop.
Theland, //I think there is quite a bit of misunderstanding here.
If Naomi wants to be a bishop, then from a secular perspective, no problem.//

There’s no misunderstanding – and secular doesn’t come into it. This is about religion. You deem women not only less worthy than men but unworthy.
I'd prefer Naomi to be a priest than Theland. She's less
Not that I'd think she would want to tell people what to belive.
Oh Bother! Now I've fallen for Naomi!
"You deem women . . . . ."
No I don't.
But of course, this is just the usual and expected form from Naomi.
Pull out all the stops to be controversial, adversarial, but trying to lay these traps and trip wires are just another exercise in vanity and an ego massaging exercise.
All entirely predictable Quite boring really.
Theland, pity you felt obliged to launch into a personal attack there… but no surprise.

Evidence? From your own keyboard. //if you don't believe in God, yes, women can take any role.//

It follows then that if you believe in God – which you do – you deem women unworthy to fulfil certain roles.
I come from a religious family and none of the woman in our family ... both sides actually, are or were treated as second class? X
Theland....”alot of clergy are athiests” REALLY?

I would be very surprised at that x
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Plenty of women at the top of the tree in your chosen religion then, Tinks?
Some years ago, a poll amongst CoE clergy said 11% did not believe in God, but something else like Christian values.
I understand there are also so called Christian atheists.

No Naomi, you are still wrong.
Your apparent knowledge of the Bible would tell you this.
Not a personal attack, an attack on your tactics, trip wires etc.
Sorry for any offence caused.
Theland, fake apologies won’t get you off this hook, Theland. You support the bible’s stance on women. Therefore, you deem them unworthy to fulfil certain roles.
Do you have a link to that poll please Theland?
Naomi - not trying to unhook.
If you are in charge of a team, (you are aren't you?), do you give every team member the same role?
Of course not. You give each member a different role that suits your plan.
Same here.
Not discriminatory, but different.
I am told women are more spiritually sensitive than men. No hard evidence from me but I go along with this, based on purely anecdotal evidence.
Women have a spiritual side to them that men simply do not have.
Again, not discriminatory, but different.
Rockrose - Sorry, I do not. It was some years ago, but I am sure I might find a poll somewhere on the net. True though.
Theland, despite all your waffling excuses, the bottom line is that you deem women unfit to fulfil certain roles.

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