CD I don�t mock the afflicted, merely point out that there is help out there for everyone. Well, almost everyone.
Some would say the �beast� has a number because it was written in code and referred to someone at the time who was not particularly nice, but to say that he was not particularly nice would mean that his people got hold of you and would do something not particularly nice. In fact, something rather beastly. Some people who look at Greek a lot would say that the number invoked a code that invoked some letters that invoked some words meaning �Latin speaking man�. Which is quite ironic if you think about it. But generally, it is said that there are three different characteristics that distinguish the beast: his mark (of authority), his name, and the number of his name (666). Generally, this person was thought to be a right old meanie.
It�s a bit like the Da Vinci Code innit, except The Omen trilogy was far more interesting, funnier and more realistic of course.
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