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Sipowicz | 15:47 Fri 20th Mar 2015 | Sport
21 Answers
Nice to hear Clive Everton commentating again, I don't know why the BBC stopped using him. (ITV4 World Grand Prix.)


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I tuned in for a bit and heard him - always liked his knowledge and calm delivery.

Always loathed Ted Lowe!
I can't stand John Virgo & the baldy man from Leicester..They're like two old women.
I like JV and Willie Thorne - masses of knowledge, which I find really helps.
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I think it works better with a seasoned journalist, like Everton, with an ex-pro alongside.
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Where's the cueball going ?!?!?
That's because Virgo is in deep poo-poo with the Beeb, of Clarkson proportions....

(Telegraph) He (JV)'stands accused of making another BBC race gaffe by referring to a Chinese player as having "a chink in his armour".'
Ding Junhui accorded the honour, apparently......
>>>I don't know why the BBC stopped using him

Everton says he was told his demotion was "nothing to do with your ability and nothing to do with your age" but that it was felt his style was "traditional" and something "more chatty and informal" was required

"...and for those of you watching in black and white, the blue is tucked just behind the pink."
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At least Clive Everton doesn't drone on about Ronnie O'Sullivan in the same way those two clowns do, they're awful commentators IMO.
Just to correct you Jackdaw, it was A) the green by the pink and more importantly B) Ted Lowe.
Divebuddy there is a rule re color blind but it does not involve your opponent.

At least Clive Everton doesn't drone on about Ronnie O'Sullivan in the same way those two clowns do, they're awful commentators IMO.

If you can't drone on about the greatest player ever...who can you drone on about?
And that talbot is a matter of opinion :) did you ever see Joe Davis?.
Thanks Magicmick but its the sycophantic way that Virgo and Thorne carry on about him that irritates me they've even got Dennis Taylor at it know.
sorry now not know.
Yes, colour blindness is covered by the rules and it does not involve one's opponent:

The Referee
The referee shall:
tell a player the colour of a ball if requested;

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