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Re Canary 42'S Post

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MrsLadyBug | 15:10 Tue 22nd Nov 2022 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Can you remember what was the reason for joining AB for the first time.
I found Answerbank and came on here to ask a question about a piece of music.
Had some very nice follow ups from another member who doesn't seem to be around anymore.


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Mine was way back in 2008 ( I think)
My grandson was 12.5 premature in 2004, I asked had anyone heard of permanent contact lens for children, I was directed here
I stumbled upon it looking for something else on the internet (obviously). I posted a bit of a teaser of a question but became hooked.
Sorry 12.5 weeks premature
I came on here looking for jokes, came across someone asking a question which I felt able to answer so I joined in order to be able to reply.
A friend recommended it to me.
It was the Wild West back then :-)
It certainly was YMB
Can't really remember - maybe something to do with quizzes/crosswords. Drifted over, at slow pace,
to CB and found a music thread which I enjoy. Politics, religion, etc. of no interest.
I had just got a new kitten and he was an absolute lunatic and wanted some advice. 16 years old, my darling boy was killed. I now have two kittens. They are absolute lunatics. There is no advice that can help other than just drink more wine.
AB has been a huge disappointment for me, retired and living on a Mediterannean Island AB was a vibrant , living life through a microscope view which gave me the chance to give back to society experiences that had given me a good living.

I was wrong. I was met by hostility, ridicule and when I retaliated my posts were removed. I had never been in this hostile environment before and I found it difficult to handle. CB was introduced as a section and from there it deteriorated from an AB to a chat site, mainly dominated be women and idle chit chat. Throw in crosswords and a certain amount of regulated Politics it gradually deteriorated to what it is today.
I had forgotten the Internet and effect on modern life and how links were used instead of personal experiences.

That is my appraisal of AB......HOWEVER.

Murrayment, Emmie, Buenchico and the late Mamyaline have enriched and maintained this website but unfortunately it's days are numbered.

15:55, but you are back now sqad milking the NHS that you hate so every cloud me old china!
Just to clarify, the title refers to my post on the Ab birthday thread

To save you navigating, I said there :-
......This thread got me looking at my early posts (most of
......which I don't remember making.)

......My third ever post here said, "Glad to see the twerp who ......posted 40 identical queries has been banned. There are
......some really awkward people about."

......Nothing changes :-)
TTT....what has your post got to do with the OP? and don't refer to me as "me old China" old China.

I gave 40 years to the NHS in work and in taxes, never used it as I had private health care, and what am I milking, a system where I can't get an ambulance, a Doctor's appointment and may die before my operation is performed. Yes, me old China, I was glad to get back to the NHS.
///Murrayment, Emmie, Buenchico and the late Mamyaline have enriched and maintained this website but unfortunately it's days are numbered.///

At the risk of appearing hostile, I think this is rather a pessimistic view. Firstly, although I agree your selection of fine contributors, there are more of a similar disposition IMHO who deserve your recognition.

Secondly, I feel that some of your posts are no stranger to hostility and ridicule. "Physician heal thyself" springs to mind.
Just my experiences Canary, I don't expect them to be the same for everyone.
Joined in 2009. If I remember rightly I was looking for help with a crossword.
In my opinion Sqad, you have a large number of fans in Ab.
I first came on this site looking for answers to my work related music question. I liked what I saw, mad I know & decided to join. What a baptism of fire I received!! I was accused of being somebody else, a troll and was badgered to confess!!! Lol what a paranoid lot you all are.
I remember finding the Sunday Skeleton crossword impossible until I found this sight and discovered the wonderful Dannyk13 and others who were kind and patient enough to offer advice and solutions.
I can't remember what question started me off!
Ab inho has it's good days and bad days.

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