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pastafreak | 23:17 Sun 06th Dec 2015 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Anybody use it? I am tempted,but current reviews are bad...due I gather to recent updates.


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I use pinterest more than here, I've not seen any negative reviews, I'm too busy pinnning. I love the quotes, I have boards, followers and I follow others. I think it's great
I LOOOOOOOOOOVE Pinterest, can and do lose myself for hours on it. Not heard any bad reviews about it nor have I noticed any significant difference regarding updates?
Same as Boo. I didn't even realise they updated it.
It's great - got loads of ideas for stuff I will never do :)
Except those chocolate bowls ;)
True - but the kitchen did get a damn good clean.
Lol. Everytime I see them I think of you.
Meh. Get irritated by 'sign up'. It's OK for churning ideas, no harm in it.
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Regarding updates...this was for the app on googleplay.. Though I see I can just join on the site. I'll give it a go...too often I Google something and Pinterest comes up....and I WANT it!!!

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