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Spam E-Mails

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magpie | 14:45 Thu 28th Apr 2016 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
i asked a question yesterday and haven't had any replies about spam not being got rid of please has anybody got any advice? thanx


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Not really enough information. (And the Chatterbank forum is probably not technical enough to attract knowledgeable replies).

What e-mail client are you using (if any) on your PC ? Usually they offer some ability to mark the sender as 'blocked'. Or are you simply going to your account on a webpage on an e-mail providers website ? If so, which one ?

Have you thought of installing and running Mailwasher ?
I presume these are spam emails ?

Its easy to stem the flow of these but nigh on impossible to get rid of then altogether. Just assign unwanted emails in your inbox, as "SPAM" and further ones should g straight into your SPAM folder.

Its not prefect by any means magpie ! But be carefull, as genuine emails can sometimes end up in the SPAM folder by mistake !

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