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Ab Editor.

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melv16 | 15:05 Mon 20th Jun 2016 | Jokes
16 Answers
I'm going to give him/her a piece of my mind...MI....


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I thought he was male. He used to have a rod ;-))
Kind of you to spare so much.
You must be small minded .....
I'm sure ABEditor will appreciate your e-gnome-ous gesture.
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I'd offer a piece of my mind too.
But I can't afford to lose even the tiniest bit.
Can you affords it melv?
Come to think of it.
I lost my mind ages ago!!!
think I handed it in at bus station lost property Oz !! lol
I'm in my own little world, but it's OK, they know me here.
After the required number of months Minty you may be able to claim it.
Put it in a little jar of metho on your sideboard and think of me.
metho..? not Fosters or xxxx ??
Why does Queensland label their tinnies XXXX.
Coz they can't spell BEER!!
Q: If you want to change a lightbulb, how many AB editors do you need?
A: The way this is worded does not conform to our style guide.

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