Thanks for reminding me that I'm hungry. I just love dime bars. Does anyone out there remember Buttersnap bars (very similar) but they were taken off the market, which was a great shame as they too were delicious. Yes, I know I'm going back - way back in time!!
Forgot to add to thread last night/morning - that Daim bars have been selling under that name for years in Tenerife (where you can get the miniature ones - like they have in Woolies at Xmas), perhaps like many other products Jif - Cif the EU insist we sell them under the cosmopolitan name!
This name change through me as well. My daughter asked me to get Dime bars from Ikea, but they only had Diam. They looked the same, so I bought them and they are. I think it is something to do with coming in line with the EU. Remember when Ceasar was called Mr Dog and Snickers were called Marathons?