1. Hillary secures the Democratic nomination.
2. Julian Assange, who is in hiding in the Ecuadorian Embassy, says he has information that will be harmful to Hillary's campaign.
3. An intruder is apprehended, trying to scale the walls and enter the Ecuadorian Embassy, in an apparent murder attempt against Julian Assange.
Again ... nothing to do with the Clintons ... just a coincidence.
Again ... VERY convenient for Hillary, if he'd succeeded.
I so much want it to be just a coincidence. I want to live in a world where politicians don't do bad things, and don't lie to us. I really, really do want to live in a world where highlighting a succession of curious fact about politicians truly is "meaningless insinuation".
I want to live in a world where the President does not have sex with interns and then lie about it. Where the President's wife does not threaten to "destroy" two girls who came forward with sexual harassment claims about her husband. Where presidential candidates don't say "I will never allow same sex marriage" and then claim to support equal sex rights. Where the money from the Clinton Foundation actually got paid to the people for whom it was donated. Where people who challenged the Clintons did not so regularly die. I truly want it to be that way. So I truly hope that I am wrong about Hillary.
Show me that none of this is true. I will be SO happy if I'm wrong. I want to be proved wrong.
But when, instead of information or facts, I'm just told that my facts are meaningl as insinuation, I think ... oh no, I'm actually right.
Ironically, the only "meaningless insinuation" is the suggestion that my posts are "meaningless insinuation".
You see my problem.
ps. I presume that the, err "fact" that Hillary's husband had a (not very) secret (and totally illegal - the investigator meeting with a person associated with the subject of the investigation) meeting with the Attorney General on a private aircraft, the day before the AG decided that the Justice Department were going to drop the criminal investigation against Hillary is also ... meaningless insinuation?