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Forget The Sea Bass, Jamie . . .

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Buenchico | 21:14 Fri 02nd Dec 2016 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
. . . Toad in the Hole might be more appropriate ;-)


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So he ended up with a charred chipolata, idiot!!!!
that was a hell of a mouthful to digest there...
Naughty Chris - no spoiler alert, I might not laugh when he tells the story later (well I probably will) ;-)
What a !!!!!! Can't imagine anyone finding that a romantic evening/meal ....a bloke cooking with his kit off ....or am I getting old and cynical ?
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Be careful, Sharon. In these litigious days, you could probably be sued for suggesting that Jamie's only got a chipolata and not a salami ;-)

It's good to see DTC helping to maintain the high standard of Friday evening posts on AB ;-)
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I'm sure that you'll smirk at least, Mamya ;-)

You're not getting old and cynical. It's just that the men around you are getting old and you no longer fancy the idea of seeing any of them with their kit off. (So my advice is to get yourself a toyboy!)
Yes, that could well be it, Chris ....all the old wrinklies don't do a lot for romance, do they ! But where can I find a toy boy who wouldn't mind sharing with two dogs and a cat ?
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Face it, Seekerz.

The two dogs and a cat might actually be the biggest attraction in your house nowadays for many fellas ;-)
Lol thanks Chris xx
Glad to oblige, Chris.....we have the old fruit teaching down here!
obviously, one should also check the provenance of the peas before tucking in.

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Forget The Sea Bass, Jamie . . .

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