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queenofmean | 04:13 Sat 24th Dec 2016 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Just had a mild Panic Attack.

So now of course I'm wide a blooming wake.

Not sure what's caused it - hopefully nothing but even though it's passed I'm still a bit shaky, was doing not too badly until this.


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I really must stop looking through your windows while wearing my clown mask, Queenie. It seems to be upsetting you!

Seriously though, I hope that you've recovered and you're ready to enjoy Crimbo ;-)
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How did you know I was scared of clowns?

I still feel a bit tense and unsettled so I've came up to toss and turn on the couch.

I'm hoping to enjoy it as best I can with it being the first without mum and gran but they both loved it so I want to enjoy it for them.
Hi queenie ...wretched things they are, they'll always leave you shaky's all the adrenalin bouncing around in your system ....if you can, just relax ...I know easier said than done ...and empty your mind of anything that's bugging you....not too much deep breathing ...extra oxygen will stir up the gremlins a bit....I'll send you calming thoughts xx
Omg Chris in a clown suit ...nuff to give you nightmares !!
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Hi seekerz, they are horrid things. I've done my grounding which helped. But I'm lying on the couch listening to an audiobook hoping I'll drop off. Didn't want to keep OH awake with my tossing around. But thank you :)
Pleasure always xx
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Going to see if I can sleep now since I have work later xx
I do actually understand panic attacks, Queenie, simply because I used to have them at night as a child. My problem at that time though was that I didn't know the words 'panic attack' and, even if I did, my parents wouldn't have understood them. All I knew was that, while wide awake, I was suddenly overcome by some sort of invisible pressure that overwhelmed me and terrified me. Try explaining that to your Mum when you're six years old!

So I know what it feels like, even though the only thing that terrifies me at night now is total silence. (I suffer from sedatephobia. I must have some sort of noise present, even if it's only the hard drive on my computer whirring away. Otherwise I feel terrified).

Have a wild Christmas. Have a silly Christmas. Have an over-the-top Christmas. Go for it, girl!

>>> Omg Chris in a clown suit ...nuff to give you nightmares

No clown suit needed, Seekerz ;-)
Lol Chris xx
Merry Christmas, Seekerz!

Merry Christmas to you too, Chris, and the four legged family as well ;)
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Sorry Chris I fell asleep!

I'm sorry to hear that you too have had bad experiences with them.

I do hope that this isn't the start of them starting up again because I seriously am sick of them now. I usually feel a need to escape and I'm honestly scared of my own bed because of them.

Anyways I hope you have a good Christmas and that Santa and Santa Paws is good to you and your furries. Same to you Seekerz if you look in again x

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