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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:45 Wed 04th Oct 2017 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Wednesday. Dry, clear, very gentle breeze. What's going on! I could get used to this! :o}

Going to the hospice today. My hairdresser ran the Cheltenham half marathon and raised over £500 for the hospice, also the two collecting boxes I ave her are stuffed with notes. She's an amazing girl. Well done My lovely, you're a star! I'll see if she can skive off and come with me.

Tiggy is beginning to look a bit lethargic, he'll be going bye byes soon.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning paddy. All well mate?

Good point DT!

Back in five.
Good Morning wbm xxx and all xxx dry here too but a bit overcast .
morning wendi xx
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Morning wendi. xxx It's not too bad outside now, little breaks in the cloud.

well better be moving, the carer due in and I need to be out of have a good one, all....
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Have a good'un DT.
Morning All !

Bit grey today. Nice and sunny yesterday though.

Paperwork day today.

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Morning mikey. At home is it?
Yes at home next to the gas heater !

(please check your emails)
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Will do.
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Replied mikey.
Thanks Boaty !
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My pleasure.
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Very quiet this morning.

Sadly I have to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone.
Morning all. Big day ahead. Doctor this morning to see if I'm fit to go back to work a bit earlier than first thought, might take she who must be obeyed for lunch then cards with mates tonight.
Autumn's here though, grey damp and breezy, not unlike myself. :)

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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