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Good Morning All ....

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seekeerz | 06:24 Tue 13th Mar 2018 | ChatterBank
73 Answers
It's getting later, where's Boaty and the GMEB crew ?


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Morning wendi xxx Not looking too good here either!
morning Wendi xx
still nothing direct boaty , will have my own wee quiet half hour at the time...

can you go to inspirational quotes and remove my posts in wrong thread please
Morning Birdies. Not a bad morning bright and sunny but rain later in the week and going cold again. Gonna be busy you end this week Boaty. Cheltenham festival starts today. Notice Emmie is feeling under the weather. Not been good myself for a couple of weeks, dizzy, aching(even my eyeballs) tired and out of energy. Have also been sleeping for 10hrs at a time. Put it down to a viral infection and just kept warm. Been feeling better since Sunday and am positively cartwheeling this morning. :))
Hope you show similar improvement Emmie.
Morning Togo xx
The carer isn't free for next Tuesday, so that puts the kaibosh on that idea, the pixie equiv services costing £16 an hour plus plus.
Morning togo. Sleep for ten hours. I wish I could. Two hours in one go is about as much as I get.
DT that's robbery!
I'm sure Mikey knows we are with him in spirit...
I think so too minty.
Time to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone.
bye boaty xx

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Good Morning All ....

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