... Goodbye!
I am going on the Weakest Link shortly, and would love to have a great one-liner up my sleeve for when I get picked on by the great Anne Robinson. Does any of my fellow AB's have any good suggestions??
I thought I would grow a beard, but it couldnt be as glossy as yours, Anne.
I always wondered, did they fire you from watchdog or couldnt you take the pace?
Are you a natural ginga?
Ive already told you Mucko when I win we will have a great night out, all drinks on me. To help me win what i need is suggestions so get your thinking cap on (sorry i know you find it hard to think!) Incitatus I love the beard one - got to be worth considering!
I met her a couple of weeks ago and she is really very nice. The Weakest Link thing is all an act. I think that might be the problem. If you meet her before the show you sort of get disarmed and when she picks on you in the show it sort of takes you by surprise (If you see what I mean). As for one liners, how about " At least I don't get off by dressing like Herr Flick!"
Her mother used to sell chickens in Liverpool. Family was rather well off but she denies that. Get indiesinger to help, what a whizz with a quiz - Good Luck
This has always irritated me when I've watched this programme - when she says 'you voted for "so and so", why was that?' Please explain to her the point of being on the show is that you vote for the person who you believe is the weakest link!!!!!! And yes, the ginger thing and trying to dress like a cross between The Craft and The Matrix does nothing for her!! Good luck, hope you win!