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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:23 Fri 13th Apr 2018 | ChatterBank
68 Answers
Friday. Not quite so misty this morning. The cloudbase was on the ground here for most of yesterday. It's about time we saw the sunshine. I blame the guvmink. How can we trust 'em to run the country if they can't get the wevva right. However, the weather gurus yesterday said today would be better. I bet they were lying! I hope it is better I'm out and about most of today, it'll make a nice change.

Have a happy day everyone.


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morning NOM xx
Good Morning
One and All
and Isn't it
a Beautiful Morning?

Am I Right ?
I'm Not Wrong !
morning Johnny xx pretty dreich here !!
Looks a bit damp out. I hope it doesn't start raining again as I'm meeting my son for lunch.
yes same here minty
but every day is a beautiful day
here on planet earth
Praise the lord
indeed Johnny :0) x
amen x
one of those days when lights will be required all day :0(

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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