My husband and I have just made what are called 'Mirror Wills', which are the easiest and simplest and you can still leave individual small gifts as you wish. Our children will be Executors and Buenchico is perfectly correct in all his reply (I'm only up-to-date with it because of actually signing mine today!).
I would mention that we have also approved and signed 'Power of Attourney' documents, which we consider vital. Give you an example. A close friend's Mum had a stroke a couple of days before Christmas. She can scarcely speak, babbles, is physically incapable of feeding herself etc.. It's all fairly horrible. Even worse is that my friend and her husband cannot access her Mum's bank accounts, sell or clear her house or anything to help pay the £3K per month for the nursing home she is now in and for which they are liable. As Mum cannot now sign powers over to them they are having to go through the courts. Its a long, horrible job on top of all the worry and pain and will cost over £4K, they've been told. I would strongly advise that you consider this option as well as Wills.