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Grey Moment

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mallyh | 13:19 Wed 25th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
went to chemist to collect grandsons insulin ,I said I would ring him when near his house so he could come to door and I could leave it on wall for him, so no contact. went into pocket to get phone and i'd brought the fire remote control instead of phone lol x


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Sometimes, when speaking to my friend over the phone, he may ask me to 'hang on a tick' while he makes a brew. Then, when he returns, he picks up his Firestick remote and attempts to carry on the conversation through that. He's done that a few times :-))
I think we have all done similar things Mallyh.
You're a bright spark.
Hi, Mally.... driving the thirty miles to visit MrG in hospital a loud screeching noise started from the passenger side footwell. Pulled into a layby...looked under the car for an accidentally run over pedestrian.. lifted the bonnet expecting to find next door's cat.
When I lifted my handbag from the floor to call the AA the screeching came with me........instead of my mobile I had put the landline handset in my bag and it was protesting..... :-)
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lol these answers are making me smile lol x
Don't worry... I have had several conversations on mobiles with family members, where either they or I are looking for their mobile...
Yes I've looked for the mobile that I was talking on at the time...and I've taken the landline phone to the shops.
I was ironing my vest one day when the phone rang.
Ouch Spicerack.
I once put a remote control in my bag, instead of my phone. Really apologised to the babysitter later...!
Not quite the same but remotes can be fun. Our new freeview box had to be replaced. The company sent a new one and I kept the remote so we had two but MrG didn't know.
It was when Maggie Thatcher was on TV a lot and I detested the woman so I hid the spare remote under my cushion and when she appeared I secretly pressed the mute button.
It was a while before MrG realised that this box couldn't be faulty because the sound problem only happened when Thatcher appeared.
I kept this up for quite some time but he had a habit of pulling his hair when he was puzzled or frustrated and I didn't want a bald husband....but I did enjoy that mute button.... :-)
Don't worry, Marval. I made it up. ;-)
Has pixie got a remote control babysitter?
I wish :-). I took the remote out with me, instead of my phone... leaving my babysitter at the time, stuck with the one channel.
I thought you might have done Spicerack.

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