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Happy Monday Folks

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Bobbisox1 | 10:58 Mon 08th Feb 2021 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Bitterly cold and snow fell overnight again , I went as far as the wheelie bin and ran back in the house it was so cold, we enter week 6 of lockdown today , I went out for a brisk walk yesterday but don't fancy doing that today, what's everyone up to today ?


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Oh heck, yes should be wreaking havoc, thank you Maggie
Hahahah Bobbi, glad you didn't take offence.
Thank you tiggs for your kind words
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Not at all Maggie, how could I? A lot of your posts and * sayings* make me smile :0)
You're very often a ray of sunshine in this lockdown of hours without knowing it.
Well done your Rugby Nationals by the way x
Weather down here Bobbs is quite nice at the moment. Blue skies and sunshine. Chill wind but not even frost this morning. A silly little bit of joy is looking out of bedroom window (the ground rises quite steeply) and watching the lambs play. I know simple things, etc., but they are a joy.
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Oh I'm jealous,that must be lovely to see LJ
Be careful Bobbs or folks will think you've got a simple mind as well.
My little friend is looking better today. Fluffed up and dry. She really hates the wet weather.
I've got photos of where sheep have wandered into garden but don't know how to show them on here so you'll just have to imagine.
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Simple mind? Well I get called a lot worse haha
Snowing very heavily here now , would show you a pic but that would be very boring haha x
just swept the balcony which is full of snow, there is nowhere for it to go, as the drain at the end of the balcony is blocked. so it will undoubtedly turn into little piles of ice. luckily or not there is no need to go anywhere, so will keep in the warm.
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I know someone who likes this weather :0)
Well know I know what soap scum feels like.
is that your Lola,,
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Yes it is Emmie
It is one of the Happy Mondays Bobbi. Had my vaccine this morning early doors. Was very impressed with them all.
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That's great Togo, get mine in the morning so it'll be Happy Tuesday as well :0)

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