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Bobbisox1 | 12:09 Tue 09th Feb 2021 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Vaccinated I mean , haha
It was like a military operation, excellent , I was given the AstraZeneca one, waiting for hairs to appear on the back of my hands now ;0)


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APC, questions about blood thinners, allergies, medication are asked at the big vaccination centres. They are very thorough - and efficient. I took someone for a vaccination last week.
Thanks Naomi. I just wondered. No one ever asked me that when I had flu jabs!
APG I'm on Rituximab which is a biological infusion given in hospital, for RA. The only thing I've been told is that I can't have the infusion until 4 weeks after my second vaccine, but I haven't been given any info about how effective the vaccine is with people on immune suppressant drugs although I have thought about whether it would be as effective on people with a low immune system.
Sqad -I've had covid 19 way back in March/April. I believe the only thing that stopped me becoming severely ill (and I was in a pretty bad way) was the T-Blocker I injected. The scientists are now experimenting with T cell Blockers as a treatment. There are too many 'maybe's.' and I'm lucky enough to be able to isolate in relative comfort so I'll carry on doing that until someone can prove its 100% safe for people in my position.
Barsel, some sites suggest stopping medication 6 weeks before the first vaccine and withholding until the second vaccine -I'm afraid I would be in a wheelchair if I did that and don't think its worth it in my position.
APG although mine was done at a big vaccination centre, I was not asked about medication. I was asked about allergies and they made a note of that on a laptop, and because I was with my daughter who was driving, a different volunteer said I could go straight home until I told her of my allergies and then she said in that case I should stay for 15mins.
i too was only asked about allergies, and that was noted on a laptop.
not asked about medication of any kind.
I guess the lady I took was lucky then. I was really impressed.
APG it sounds like the treatment you have for your RA is very different to mine. I only have the infusion once a year and although I'm due for an infusion in March, I'm probably going to have to wait until the beginning of June the way things are with having to wait 12 weeks for the second jab whereas it sounds like you have regular injections. Have you spoken to your Rheumatologist or nurse?
Apologies Bobbs for going a bit off- piste . Let us know how you are tomorrow. No need to measure how long your nose hair has grown.:-) x
Barsel, I give myself an injection on Cimzia every 2 weeks and am supposed to see my RA nurse every 6 months - last time I saw her was last March just before Covid 19 lockdown. My RA helpline is on answerphone and no one ever rings back and my Consultant appointment in September was cancelled with no alternative date given. No one knows anything, nor will commit to a 100% yes its safe or no it is'nt.
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I was asked a series of questions by a Doctor ie, Are you taking blood thinners , Are you on any Meds,do you have any allergies etc
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Barsel go and get , I mean go off piste as much as you want hinny :0))))
Hi Bobbi -sorry from me too - maybe you should have a hissy fit at us for talking about medical matters on Chatterbank lol!

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Nahhh, I'm more than happy to join in :0))
sorry, only just seen this. Yes I am - i'm on roactemra (tocilizumab)

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