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jennyjoan | 14:32 Thu 25th Feb 2021 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
best make please


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Panasonic, Panasonic, Panasonic. Would never bother with any other.
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Vagus, too dear, too dear, too dear, too dear LOL but I do agree with you - I think we had a Panasonic years ago (family) and it was brilliant.
My Sony is several years old and I've never had a problem with it.
You get what you pay for, and if you’re not short of a bob or two and want something you can rely on, well, why not spend the money?
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just looking Vagus - 50" Panasonic in Argos - only £499 - not bad at all.
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vagus the reviews on that Panasonic weren't that great.
Samsung Qled. Brilliant clear and colourful.
No, Panasonic and Sony used to be the best for TVs. Now, all the best ones come from LG and only have to ask in Richer Sounds which ones to buy, or look at the latest Which? reports.
LG and Samsung all the way.
We have an LG one in the kitchen, it’s total rubbish and if it wasn’t for the fact we rarely use it, we’d replace it.
It’s like lots of things, we all have our favourites and our ‘never again’ ones.
We had Sony while our eldest worked for them and we got them at a reduced price.
Do you need a TV that doesn't mute the speakers when you plug headphones in?
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i only use headphones for radio

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