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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:57 Mon 26th Apr 2021 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
morning all, its too early to say what the weather is doing but perhaps it will be
as nice as it been for days.
I hope you are all well and that you enjoy your day.


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what have you got planned for the day Minty
had a glorious weekend..much done in garden ..bit dull today so perhaps an enforced rest !
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rest, you! blimey Minty wonders will never cease
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don't suppose you spoke with Boaty?
wait and see what weather is going to do emmie
I did yesterday he is fine... enjoying a bit of a rest from early starts
Hi all, not up,up, still in the KS sipping my decaf :0)
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that's good Minty, if you speak with him again send my best wishes...

Bobbi, i thought it was too early for you to rise and shine
morning Bobbi xx

will do emmie...
oh lurking...see you later folks xx
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bye Minty, have a lovely day, hope the weather hold for you
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Boaty has left me with his early starts, can't sleep beyond 5 or so, then i collapse halfway through the day.....
Morning all.

Peeved this morning. Missed the bin men! OH managed to get a lot out but he had to leave for work. They must have been here at 7am. General waste hasn't been missed, that's the main thing I suppose.
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morning Ummmm
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we don't have that problem as the bin men just take out our large waste bins from the basement, and load up - i guess that's one benefit of having a block of flats. I take the rubbish down obviously, but other larger blocks have bin shutes.
Ours are out our front door so they aren't suppose to go out before 6am.
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my mum used to have that problem she couldn't put them out overnight due to foxes, rats having a go.

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