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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:44 Mon 03rd May 2021 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
morning all, i hope that you are all well, and that what ever you
have planned for the day, it's a good one


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time for ablutions, back soon.....
Morning, very sunny but it’s not going to last, a very wet and windy day if on the cards.
Hope Boaty is enjoying a well earned break x
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morning Bobbi
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sure he is enjoying his break, though lets hope he comes back.
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what have you planned for the day Bobbi... if anything.
A bit more writing ( book) I try to do an hour a day , I’m aiming at 200+ pages and I’m at 125 now
morning Bobbi xx

oh wandering in his best go see you later xx
Morning Minty x
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good luck with that Bobbi,

bye Minty, have a good day.... hope you get some gardening in before bad weather rolls in
Minty - do you jump to his command?

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Good Morning Early Birds

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