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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:35 Fri 07th May 2021 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
morning all, its early even for me, but for now im awake, though for how long
remains to be seen. I hope that you are all well as can be and that your day is a good one.


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Morning Minty and all, are you still having bad weather up the road?
Question Author
by the sound of it she is Bobbi, whereas its clear here at the moment, but i have seen the last few days have been very changeable. its still very cold for this time of year
And all next week if the forcast is correct Emmie x
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so i heard Bobbi, sorry that spring seems to have gone for now - i miss the warm weather, just sitting in the local gardens and chilling out..
I’m hoping that June will come in as Flaming June x
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one can only hope - i like sitting outside when the weather is kind, last year we had some lovely warm days....
I remember April was an early Summer, we went into lockdown on March 23 and managed to sit in the garden for most of April , May wasn’t that good here , the sun appeared around 5 each night
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i spent 10 days down at my brothers where the weather was glorious, came away a bit burnt if im honest. I love sitting in the sun...
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that was in Ausgust.
I’m hoping for good news today re the green countries we can travel to
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yes of course, that should come out sooner than later one hopes.
Announcement today some time Em x
weather still bad Bobbi ...snow and wintry showers..blummin' BBRRR and very wet ....
Question Author
good luck Bobbi
Minty, yous normally sneeze up there....and we catch cold :0(
Thanks Emmie x
Time to get on ..see you later folks xx have a great day !
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Bye Minty, have a lovely day, hope your weather gets better.

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