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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:26 Sat 15th May 2021 | ChatterBank
62 Answers
morning all, its early but can't get back off to sleep, so never mind, lets see who is about to keep me company.... i hope you are all well, have you any plans for the day.

i am hoping a friend contacts me to see if we are meeting up this weekend for a drink or a coffee. The weather doesn't look promising i must say, where is spring i wonder.


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Time for me to do more things. Have a good day. I used to sit people watching for hours. But then I'm just lazy and nosy.
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i can't people watch as im up two floors, then i have arranged to meet a friend for coffee in the local and we can sit in one of the pods in case it starts raining again.

have a good day....

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Good Morning Early Birds

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