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Re If People Would Learn To Cook

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jennyjoan | 10:15 Thu 12th May 2022 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
There are a few posts with their opinions on the matter and one of them is how a person is not too well off these days.

How much money does one need to have to be well off - just your opinion.



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How long is a piece of string
Every answer is going to be different according to your circumstances and expectations
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right - I guess the answer could be - if one is comfortable, able to pay their bills without hardship
My MIL owns her own house outright, has investments, a pension and money to spend and still says she is in poverty!

Everyone views it differently
For a figure to be meaningful, all those responding would have to be in the same or similar circumstances.
i think most people's definition is "people who are richer than me"
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then Red - you will be rich some day LOL
"able to pay their bills without hardship" again, hardship means different things to different folk, three holidays a year in the Caribbean instead of four for example.
'Comfortable' is a better description than 'well off', JJ, imho. I consider myself to be comfortable enough to be able to meet my dues and demands, to feed and clothe myself and still maintain my main hobby - gambling. I actually have more in my bank account now than at any other point in my life.
JJ that means my MIL would be dead and my husband heartbroken - whilst I dislike the lady I would not wish that on my husband and certainly don't find it funny
Question Author
oh ok - just remembering your posts how much you do not like the lady
Well having to pay well over a thousand in income tax a week I dont feel well off. I dont think its possible to be well off if you go to work to get your money these days. You need a private income.
‘Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds nought and six, result misery.”

Mr Micawber, David Copperfield
Friend of a friend paid to go privately to have a hip replacement. This has left her "poor" and she will have to cut back on her holidays this year. Not my idea of poor.
If you have just enough enough money to pay all your bills but nothing left for pleasure, that's not living, it's just existing. have no idea. Maybe start a seperate thread for "well off but struggling". I doubt many on here even earn 1,000 per week.
None of this has hit me yet because I won't get my electricity and gas bills until next month, but I'm not looking forward to them ! I've not noticed food prices rising, apart from one or two things and again I'm not bothered - yet ! I'll probably be ok because when my beloved parents died, they left me and my brother quite well off and I've always been a good saver too, plus I have a works pension as well as the state pension, but none of that means that I don't feel sorry for people that will struggle, because I do. I know they will be out there and my heart bleeds for them. I put food in the trolleys supermarkets leave out for people in need and stuff like that, but is it enough ?

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