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Can't Remove Tap Cartridge

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pulmicort1415 | 11:09 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | How it Works
7 Answers

Trying to remove tap cartridge from mixer tap.

Can't budge it even though no corrosion round it.

Have soaked it in WD40. No joy. Scared of doing damage




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May we ask what brand

How much of the tap head have you been able to remove? A photo of the tap would help in giving advice. When I had a monoblock basin tap with a slow leak I couldn't even get the handle/lever off (after undoing the grub screw). Had to buy a complete replacement and even then getting the old one apart (out of interest) took some time.

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Just the cover


really need a piccy

Try heat, boiling water at first, it may make the larger part swell enough to loosen it's hold.

If you are in a hard-water area, it's probably limescale in the thread.

The modern style mixer taps that I have experience of look like this:

What does yours look like?

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Can't Remove Tap Cartridge

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