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A Left Handed Corkscrew.

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sandyRoe | 12:13 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
16 Answers

I found one in a charity shop.  Would they be uncommon?



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Not at all, most high streets have charity shops.
12:16 Fri 27th Sep 2024

Not at all, most high streets have charity shops.

they only work on a left handed cork though.

I seen a claim that only two per cent of corkscrews are left-handed.

There is a large range on one website, not the usual, from £4 to £75

You mean a left handed thread cork, TTT ?

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It'll not be an item for the Antiques Roadshow, then.  Just another piece of unused kitchenalia.

bazille yes they go in left handed wine bottles.

Not at all, most high streets have charity shops.

brilliant ! BA

I thought you were ill used earlier today by the usual suspects Doug, Nice to see you back. I have repeatedly er repeated to the Ed that over-modding leads to less footfall on this site and not more.

I don't actually see the need for a left-handed corkscrew. I'm right-handed and I'm sure I could open a bottle with  a left handed corkscrew using my right hand. It's really no different tt being able to use a screwdriver to both do up and undo screws.


Who needs a corkscrew when you can buy it by the box!

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It needs to be turned anti-clockwise.  Could it be a joke thing,  give it to some to open a bottle and watch them struggle ?

TTT - did you know that a bottle of wine is more suseptible to being corked , if it has left handed thread, cork ? - honest 

I seen a claim that only two per cent of corkscrews are left-handed.

oh - time for an outing of the Professor of Left handedness.

the old findings were ones I was involved in - A prof had travelled all Europe to see the  silver torques, and how many were left handed

I wrote an email in the style of "you-dont-have-to-do-that ! " Harry Enfield, pointing out that cotton and wool spinning was s-spun or z-spun ( rt handed) - so all you needed was a bus far to your local museum

The answer is 8% - and pretty constant - Roman empire 8% too.

He even went up to the recently discovered Bronze age farm in the fens to have a look at preserved textiles

I used to have one, they were sold as a novelty item.

lefties ( left handers that is!) demand to be taken seriously!

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A Left Handed Corkscrew.

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