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Where Do You Shop Most Poll

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smurfchops | 12:33 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
5 Answers

Is it just me who is getting a little fed up looking at this ?  Why do we need polls on here anyway? 



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It doesn't bother me.  I only see it if I'm on the home page - and I'm only ever there briefly.  I quite like AB's polls anyway.  The political ones often prove to be spookily accurate.

I agree with the chopster, five and a half months of seeing the same thing every day seems like either laziness on one hand or a punishment on the other.

188 votes in 170-odd days suggests it's over and done with.

I've not seen that poll for yonks.

Ive never seen that poll .


Please, share your secret.

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