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Crane Flies - Daddy Long Legs

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naomi24 | 12:30 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

Is anyone else inundated with these things?  Every time we open a door or window they flock in in droves.  I don't recall this ever happening before. 



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Normal in Sep/Oct I think. On a different note,my Husband has taken over my Account temporarly,hope this is OK. I am assuming you are a Moderator. Thank You.

Annual event - harmless creatures.

Normally they emerge after heavy rain has softened the ground.

Not at the moment here though often at this time of year yes.  I had a memory pop up on Facebook yesterday where I'd  posted this time last year about sharing my living room with 10 of the blighters.

Yes they are a pest! 😁

I was always told they spread viruses, colds/ flu. ?

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I've never known as many as this.  The odd one or two, yes, but these are relentless.


Dukedelorca, as far as I'm aware you haven't transgressed Site Rules.  I will, however, notify the editors of your query.  If you don't hear from them I think it's safe to assume they're happy with your arrangement.  

You can find information on mods in Editor's Blog.

None here, so far

Same here. And yesterday I entered an event which involved a quick bag search. The security officer had a crane fly sitting fair and square on his hi vis pocket. When I pointed it out, he was so distracted showing his mates that I could have smuggled a sack full of booze or ammo in to the venue!

Thank you,Naomi.

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You're welcome.  

Used to get a lot but haven't seen one for ages. 

The adults we see are harmless in themselves but they will mate and lay eggs in lawns and turf. When these hatch, the grubs (leather jackets) will damage the grass as they feed on the roots.

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Crane Flies - Daddy Long Legs

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