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Laws Banning Zombie Knives Came In This Week But................

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10ClarionSt | 15:46 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

.....there had been several weeks of amnesty wherby the cops were asking peope to, anonymously, hand in any knives they might have prior to the laws coming in. Which made me wonder; when any knives are handed in, do the cops dust them for fingerprints and swab them for DNA? Just askin' 😊 



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I'm sure the crims are well aware of forensics and would have put them through the dishwasher then handled them with gloves.

I doubt it very much because the whole point of an amnesty is to get those weapons off the street.  Had the police then gone ahead and tested weapons it would mean future amnesties are meaningless.

Plus, the police will be well aware that weapons that have  actually been used to commit a crime will more likely than not have been chucked in the nearest deep bit of water.

Of course it's been illegal to carry a blade bigger than a penknife with a 3" blade for many years (with exceptions)but that didn't stop the stabbings/slashings/threats.

 Had the police then gone ahead and tested weapons it would mean future amnesties are meaningless.

IF they advertised the fact

( I have been subjected to a fishing expedition ( no no surely not) 45 min studying video even tho the camera was pointing the other way)

and remember the FLO ( family liaison officer) in steven lawurence passed all the names of the visitors and mourners to  - - MI5 !

"Did they?" commented the Officer in Charge ( who clearly wasnt)

Such a pity, I was very fond of my zombie knife. How am I now going to get stones out of my horse's hooves ?

Khandro, with a hoof pick, like everyone else.

Other issues are of course, the forensic arm of the police are always massively overworked on live cases without swabbing and fingerprinting every knife.  Furthermore, how were the knives handed in handled?  Were they immediately bagged and sealed with an officer wearing clean gloves and a forensic suit?  Unless the objects were dealt with properly, it is very unlikely that any prosecution would result since defence counsel would argue "contamination" so it would be pretty pointless.

no, why would they? It's an amnesty.

This should not be in Chatterbank.

News or Current Affairs would be a better place, I think?

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Laws Banning Zombie Knives Came In This Week But................

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