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The latest claim is that Starmer gave the use of the penthouse flat so that his son could study for his GCSEs in peace.

More lies and obfuscation from two-tier Kier.


Why is anything you wrote at 19:54 an issue? Seems like decent parenting to me.

// so that his son could study for his GCSEs in peace.//

What   ...   ? He gets no peace at home then? Are the social services child protection teams onto this. Disgraceful. What a bunch of shameless, grasping, hypocrits they are. I hope pally alli didn't give him any cake or he will be in bother with the lockdown, mockdown, shockdown shy talkers. 

Mozz71 but he stayed in the penthouse weeks after the exams finished.

Hymie have you any proof of the bribe you say boris pocketed?

He said the extremely clichéd, 'We're all in this together'  from a millionaire's flat, while telling everyone to stay at home, and gave the pathetic excuse for his son staying also there that it was necessary for his GCSE studies.

I wonder what many young people studying for their GCSE's in cramped & inadequate environments wil think about this.

I have no problem with any parent doing the best for their children, but for a politician to be so deceitful & naïve as to not see how this should have been declared, because it must compromise their position in government, is beyond belief.

This jerk, along with the likes of Rayner and Lamy are unbelievably now in charge of Britain !

As Derek Jameson used to say; Do they mean us? they surely do.




It may be more than greed and sleaze. It may now be a breach of the law!   ...   From a former DPP no less. We know how good he was though I suppose. It now transpires that he was living at pally alli's pad when he filled in his nomination papers for the GE on 4th of June. But he used a different address. They do have a problem regarding where they actually live don't they. First Rayner the twerking class foghorn and now her pretend boss. No wonder we need to build more homes these gits want multi residences. Who pays the heating bills?

//When in 2017 UKIP’s Paul Nuttall claimed on his nomination papers he lived at a house he hadn’t yet moved into, it was made clear that the address had to be the place where he was actually resident at the moment of nomination. Peter Stanyon, deputy chief executive of the Association of Electoral Administrators, said: “The general provision will clearly be that it needs to be a factual statement made at the point the nomination was being submitted.” Starmer’s nomination paper claims he was living at an address in Holborn and St. Pancras on that day. But we now know he was at Alli’s penthouse is in the Cities of London and Westminster…//

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