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The Chase Comedy Silly Answer Just Amusing Choices.

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ToraToraTora | 17:56 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
16 Answers

Amusing question tonight, MC:

In the 17th century, sailors measured the speed of their ship using a device with what name?

A: The hard stool  B: The common log  C: The giant steamer




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'The common log' comes vaguely to mind. Misty memories of having read something about them chucking a log attached to a rope into the water.  How it worked, I haven't a clue.

Question Author

the answer is irrelevant, look at at the choices?

The common log is the reason that even today ships and boats travel at knots per hour

no - a knot is a nautical mile per hour an knot per hour would be a nautical mile per hour per hour.😀

BARRY, surely it's just "knots"?

Question Author

18:07 it's just "Knots" - a Knot = 1 nautical mile per hour.

If they got it wrong did they say "oh ***" ?

One or two missing the point,Tora Tora Tora.😀

18.23 that should rhymn with chap

Did Bradley laugh? I guess he did 😁

If the mariners were on a high fibre diet it could have been any of them.

I'd have gone for the turd option.

Isn't a nautical mile 1 second of arc on the earth's surface; makes it a useful measure for navigating.

Surely this is knot serious 😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  

Not sure about seconds of arc but I'm round the bend with it.

Question Author

21:49 it's an arc minute on the equator, the largest great circle (the earth bulges slightly at the equator) approx 1.15 imperial miles.

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The Chase Comedy Silly Answer Just Amusing Choices.

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