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bednobs | 20:18 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
4 Answers

Can you freeze brie?



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Yes, I have done

Never tried it.  On our trips back to UK (when we lived in France) I used to buy hard cheeses and freeze them. They always were rather dry/crumbly when defrosted.

Worth buying a small bit andhaving a go.  By the way, I find that some ofthe Somerset bries are as good as Brie de Meaux.

You can freeze it but need to use it fairly quickly when defrosted (within a few days)

The general view, on the world-wide-wibbly-wobbly-wotzisname, seems to be that freezing Brie is certainly possible but likely to impair its quality. supports that view

. . . whereas President (who make the stuff) simply advise against freezing Brie altogether

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