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Samsung Z Flip 4

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chessington | 07:12 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Technology
6 Answers

My husband has a samsung z flip 4 phone and for no reason yesterday the screen went black, we tried everything to fix it like trying to turn off and restart, difficult with no screen working,any suggestions TIA it is no longer under warrenty



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Have you tried removing or even changing the battery, if you do leave it for a few minutes to, hopefully, fully reset.

Check this the right one if you try it, the only one I could find £27

Is it doing anything when you turn it on?  Any beeping sounds, getting hot?  Is it charging?  Does the phone ring if you call it? 

I'm trying to find out if the screen is black or the phone is bricked.

Could be a duff connection. Maybe get your local repair shop to take a look ?

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Crapa, you cannot remove the battery sadly and Barry, when I hold down off button and sound down it vibrates, but no screen at all, Old-geezer I think the connection is ok, thanks all of you

So it is not bricked, that's a start.

Press and hold the volume up button AND the power button.  It should restart within a few minutes 

so your husband's  samsung z flip 4 phone has turned into a samsung z flop phone?haw haw haw

my condolences

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