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Annoying Logo

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1581960 | 14:00 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Technology
9 Answers

The search tab on my computer Task Bar has started showing, rather annoyingly, an extra logo on the right of the tab. Today it’s ‘World Heart Day’

Is there a way of getting rid of it?



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If you right click in an empty sector orf the Task Bar a menu pops up. At the top of the list it should say search. Hover over that and a sub menu lets you untick show search icon. It may get rid of it but you may have to restart first.   

You're not Victor Meldrew are you?🤣

I think it's "show search highlights" you need to untick

Ah got it. When you hover over search after right clicking in task bar void. Click on "show search highlights". 

I didn't even notice that until this, how can you find that annoying? it's just a small icon to the right of a long space to type in.

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Thank you, job done.

After the right click I had to click Taskbar settings and then found the search tab options.


The little heart and stethoscope? Not as far as I know. I hadn't noticed it until I looked for it

I got rid of mine some time ago  ...   I think it may have been the rainbow icon or something similar that prompted me. I do not need subliminal messages from the wokesphere thank you. I had forgotten exactly how I did it though. 

I'll start looking out for it now, treat it like an old fashioned advent calendar 😁

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