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As The Tories Begin To Arrive At Their Conference.

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gulliver1 | 12:24 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | News
36 Answers

Thersa May and William Hague has warned those would be Tory leaders who are vying to replace Sunak as leader, that they need to acknowledge *The Huge scale of DEFEAT suffered by the Cons* On July 4th this year.And the Tories need to understand how resounding the GE DEFEAT really was and the monumental task it has infront of itself to ever get the Tories back into power again.



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A well dressed presentable PM that the rest of the world will see and take serious. Boris looked like he had just been dragged through a field by a tractor. :0))

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Labour have taken advantage of all this inside Tory party squabbling to claim that the ledership contenders have learned nothing at all from the Tories worst GE DEFEAT in History.

You've swallowed that old rubbish that Lammy and Nandy preposterously expected people to believe. I'm pretty sure somebody reportedly worth £7m has there wherewithal to buy his own suits and specs so he looks good for his public.

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It's laughable that after such a terrible election defeat that the Tories are still divided and refuse to pull together . What Idiots

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God in heaven elp the Tories. Even Reform are wading in now saying this is not a Tory confrence ..But a wake...  Trouble is none of them are awake

Gulliver.  What you should remember that many of the Labour MP's have been elected on a very slender majority, some with a majority of less than 100. Very easy to overturn especially with at least 15,000 pensioners in these constituencies.

The present Labour omni-shambles will see that the Tories return to power in 4/5 years. 

I just hope that a new leader will have the leadership qualities and integrity necessary to stop the partisan feather-nesting, posturing and squabbling we have had to witness in recent years.

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Gramps 14.12 What you should remember is that the Tories election Defeat last july was it worst defeat in its Parliamentary History.

Gulliver 14.47.  I do not deny what you say in your post is correct, it was the defeat in history.  But perhaps you should read my post of 14.12 which points out that many Labour MP's have been elected with a very small majority, which will not take a very big swing to overturn.

Plenty more Labour MPs than last election but over half a million less votes than Corbyn had so something to think about in the coming months and not think we are so great as you seem to think.

Up here in Scotland,the SNP nationalists took one hell of a wacking at the GE.What was their response?...Lets have a new discussion about independence!...For Funks Sake,are the SNP aerosols taking the pee now?

ynnaf - why do you always have to bring the SNPs into any political argument.  The majority on AB have absolutely no interest in Scotland or the SNPs, their arguments are purely Tory vs Labour.  You're farting against the wind here.

Nah,maggie,i just love winding up all the nutty Scottish nationalists on this site.The SNP mob dont like reminded that they are err nationalists.Nationalism-the cancer of the Earth according to Einstein.

I think it's valid to bring the SNP into it. They are the tartan Tories and they took a similar beating to the Limey Tories yet they are not fixing any of the issues. Instead they persue the ridiculous aim of what they are calling "independence". The population of Scotland deserve better. Ynnafymmi is probably the most sensible Scot on here.

Have they got enough to fill the conference seats? or are they having it at a local church hall were the knitt and natter club meet. :0)

@16.13.I do seem to have scared off a lot of the nuttier SNPers on this site.Perhaps if they cant stand the heat,they should stay out of the kitchen.Anyway,i will continue to wind them up.

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