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Maydup | 10:47 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
22 Answers

How do you pronounce the name Saoirse?



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Sur-sha.ย  The last syllable is similar to the last in inertia
10:49 Sun 29th Sep 2024

Sur-sha.  The last syllable is similar to the last in inertia

I wouldn't have a clue.  I've never heard of it.

I pronounce it Seer sha

an oddball isn't it๐Ÿ™„

It's Gaelic for 'freedom' and is quite common in Ireland 

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Thanks all. I didn't know where to start with the bane! 

Soairse Ronan 

You'll recognise the actor Naomi. In Atonement when she was 13, and in Brooklyn etc. New film called Outrun just released. 

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Bane? Name!

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Just remembering Ammonite, that was a very good film of hers.

Saor sha

It's Gaelic for 'freedom' and is quite common in Ireland 

yeah foo - when the gallant Irish drove the British back to their own shores ( 1922 that is) they used George V stamps with 

Saorstat Eireann over stamped ( in that quaint Irish-y script)

( no Gaelic word for republic as they didnt have them in olden times)

saorstat - free state- geddit?

Yeah you know Dorsetshire?  well if you had a county Sore

then it wouild be Sore-shire - just like  Saoirse

( er -Shire often comes out like Shuh)


There is a narrowboat with that name, I've seen it a few times.

Is four the maximum number of pronunciations then?

I've always been led to believe it's pronounced

sore sha

but what do I know....

Lots of names our pronounced differently in different regions.  My sister's name (Patricia) was always pronounced Patreesha by the family; Patrisha down south.

I have heard Michael pronounced Moi-cul many times by some Irish speakers.   

In Gaelic (where the name originates) there 3 different dialects: Ulster, Munster and Connaught so it depends where you are from 

^ ...there are ...

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No doubt there's an Irish and an English accent pronunciation.

For example I wouldnt call Michael Moy-cul unless I was impersonating an Irish accent. 

Ben made a pig's ear out of pronouncing 'bodhran' on Tipping Point this week. You'd think he would have found out how to pronounce it!

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