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Can You Believe Everything You Read In The Paper?

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perseverer | 16:41 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

This is a headline from the Express today.

"Boris Johnson 'leapt from kayak' and battled in vain to avoid Scottish drowning disaster"

When was the funeral?



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If you took the trouble to post a link to that story all would become clear.

I doubt it, Boris wouldnt fit in a kayak for a start nevermind leap from one.

Just goes to show what a complete idiot he is. :0)

Looks like the labourtinees are getting a bit desparate. A 4 year old holisay kayak incident with Boris! PMSL! He fell off a lilo once too! Anything to divert attention from the Labour meltdown I suppose.

To right, melting down all the free money the cons have been dishing out. Look after the pennies and the pounds look after themselves.

nicebloke - are you drunk? just askin'

Has nicebloke ever posted a link? May be gulliver.

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I put this in CB on purpose. It was not meant as a dig at Boris, rather at newspaper click bait headlines.

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Naomi, it must be great to be perfect.

christ, the express really is only good for arsewiping.  "But, in some ways he regretted the choice after being plagued by midges, tracked down by the media and then facing certain death on the open water."

so he faced certain death.  he's dead then?  if his battlewas in vain to avoid scottish drowning disaster, clearly he drowned?

I guess that's perseverer's point though

There's no way on earth he would have sank anyhow with all that blubber. :0))

The sub editor needs to be sent on a course. 

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Can You Believe Everything You Read In The Paper?

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