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Can’t Believe Victor Meldrew Was Meant To Only Be 60!

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Smowball | 19:04 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
18 Answers

When I used to watch 'One Foot In The Grave' years ago I thought that Victor and Margaret were early to mid 70's - mostly down to their clothing, and the fact that Victor looked so old! Turns out that the character was only meant to be 60 and had taken early retirement! And even more shocking -  the actor who played him, Richard Wilson, was only 53 in real life & thought he was far too young for the role!! He looked ancient! I mean, Brad Pitt is 60 and look at him lol! 
Am genuinely confused as to why he looked years older than he was - I mean, 60 is nothing is it. 



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I'm not so sure he took early retirement.  I think he was pushed out of his job, hence the angry, frustrated, persona.

Pushed out? Oh I don't believe it!

Question Author

lol! Yes he took early retirement but not by choice. His job as a security guard was all modernised etc and he wasn't needed or something.

Richard Wilson was born in July 1936. The first five series were broadcast between January 1990 and January 1995. For the next five years, the show appeared only as Christmas specials, followed by the sixth and final series in 2000.

So yes, he was 53 as he filmed the first season, and over 60 by the end. And he looked much older, like here:


Witchcraft! Or makeup and just being Scottish. 😉

Jenny Agutter didnt exactly look 16 in the Railway Children.

Twelve ( wiv Sam Neill of  Jurassic Park)O( Netflix) and is  very good - very  very  good - the  dead  twelve year old looks at least double that - nospoiler - sheis  dead  from episode  one

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He's just clearly one of those people that always look way way older than they are lol.

Ms Agutter is timeless perfection personified. 😊

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How old was J.A in real life then if her character was meant to be 16?

Don't know, but her 'baby sister' was o.18!

Jenny agutter was only 17 when she played Roberta in the railway children. It was sally tomsett who played the 11 year old younger child Phyllis when she was actually 20 years old !

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Ohh lol

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Sally played an 11 yr old when she was 20??

Yes and she had to sign a non disclosure of her age and not be seen drinking or smoking 😂 


Clive Dunn was only 48 when he started in Dads Army

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Wow AP - wonder why on earth they cast someone her age??

Never watched Dads Army but I know who you mean barry.

Smow probably because she could work longer hours?

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lol probably!

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Can’t Believe Victor Meldrew Was Meant To Only Be 60!

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