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Do You Think I Should Be Worried About My Friends Child?

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Cindy1302 | 12:15 Wed 11th Dec 2024 | Family & Relationships
6 Answers

I was talking to a friend I know in real life on playstation. She said that her, and her family are sick. I asked if it's covid, and she said that she hasn't tested herself, but she's pretty sure it's covid. She mentioned her 6 year old is sick too. I asked my friend if she herself is vaccinated against covid, and she said that she doesn't believe in it. I'm not sure if she meant vaccines in general, or just covid vaccines. Well I'm worried about her child suffering because she won't get her vaccinated. Not only for covid but for things like polio. I'd like to think her husband has a different view and got the kid vaccinated, but I doubt it. So yeah, I'm worried for her child not being protected for different diseases.



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There is nothing you can do about it so stop worrying 

It's not your job to worry about her child's health. Let her parents do that and stop sticking your judgemental neb into everyone's business. 


You should mind your own business and stop trying to interfere with other people's lives.

Aren't youngsters more resilient to Covid ? I'd not lose sleep over an adult opting not to have a vaccine that was rushed out and therefore not had decades of observation regarding it's consequences. Life is full of personal choices.

Have you ever thought about becoming an MP Cindy?  You could stick your nose into what goes on then.

Mind your own business and get on with your own life.  Stop worrying.

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