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blue tits

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linnit | 14:59 Sun 13th May 2007 | Animals & Nature
2 Answers
when do they start nesting and when do they lay eggs how will i knw they have used my nest box and when should i expect to see lots of activity around the nest ? when is the season over and ;when should i be ready for next seasonthank you


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THey will have started nesting last month- eggs may have hatched by now or due to. If your nest box is being used you should see lots of activity- when feeding young blue tits make umpteen visits to the nest to feed young- I have watched them make visits at less than one minute intervals!!
So if you are not seeing activity it may not be in use. Wait til Autumn ( I think the actual date is somewhere on the RSPB Site) before inspecting the box and cleaning it out.
It is very likely that blue tits will raise a second brood one the first has fledged
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thanks burnhal for your answer i think it is in use because today my day off i have seen them loads of times ;linnit

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