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St George's Day (23rd)

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MustafaTickl | 21:14 Sun 15th Apr 2007 | Seasonal
6 Answers
How will you celebrate?


Waking crying "God for Harry, England and St George" Morris Dancing
Slay a Dragon
Roast Beef Dinner
Play with your hurdy gurdy
Be a Wandering Minstrel
Wear your suit of armour
Drinking from the Loving Cup
Be a Punch or Judy
Be a Knight or Damsel
Wave your St George's Cross flag
Reciting Shakespeare




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by blowing out the 52 candles on my cake !!!!
....and the tumbleweed blows past.

You had a better response for the EU anniversery Mustafa!

Still considering that George was from Turkey and is also the patron saint of :
and Sicily
amounst others

I guess the apathy is somewhat understandable.

Still I believe it's also national beer day in Germany so we could raise a glass to St. George patron saint of "Everywhere else"

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Hello Annie. 52 is a very good age, and if you are in good health, which I hope that you are, the years from now to 70 should be very enjoyable and happy. After 70 I found that I lost interest in running any part of next Saturday's Marathon so found things to replace it !! (like having a snooze after lunch rather like Mr Churchill).

Hello Jake. There is a headline in one of today's papers asserting that "The English are the most oppressed people in the World" so from your list it seems that St George has been spread around too much to look after us. However, in view of your last paragraph at some time on Monday I shall close my eyes, imagine that I am in Boppard, and raise a glass to him !! (Might even do a little Morris Dance).
The English are the most oppressed people in the world?

That has to be the most riddiculous claim I've ever heard - sounds like someone needs to be promoted to be his paper's Middle-East correspondant.

Saudi perhaps. 7 people got over 100 lashes each for campaigning against the Government there last year.

Mind You China or Zimbabwe would do either!

Oh well happy St. Georges day anyway Mustafa
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It was in yesterday's Times. I didn't read it - there is so much drivel written in the newspapers. Thanks, and a very happy St George's Day to you too, Jake.
I will fly the Cross of St. George. Dress in my best, wear a rose in my button hole. Drink good English Ale and eat English Beef. And be damned to the rest of them.
I can't dance the Morris any more my knees are shot. (Perhaps I should be as well)

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St George's Day (23rd)

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