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Goin Green!!!

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johny5 | 03:06 Wed 05th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
This might hav been asked b4 but y do some peoples names come up green and others dont? sorry but i'm new to all this.


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does it matter? do you feel down trodden by your highlighted green responders? perhaps you just think its unfair...but seriously...why even ask? whats the knowledge worth to you...?
Question Author
i dont know i just wanna know, is that ok
hmm...i supposed its okay, ill give you the "okay" on this one occasion! lol :P wow - its not often im asked if somethings okay - most of the time im just told and slapped right back in my place!

so...this is what power feels like! MWAHAHA!

(anyone notice im bored...?)
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yeah, r we the only two people on here?
lol! most probably! seems even the late nighters go to bed about this time...
New users are green for two weeks and then turn boring old grey like everyone else :-D
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thanx cheekychops it would be good if we could choose are own colour.
-- answer removed --

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Goin Green!!!

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