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aka pixi | 20:09 Thu 13th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Be honest how lazy can you be?

The other day my lad left one of the gates open as he went to school. It was freezing and I really couldnt be arsed to go shut it so I phoned my daughter who was coming down in half hour or so and asked her if she wanted to set off now and could she shut the side gate on her way in :blush:


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'ello pix :-)

Yes, I'm terribly lazy, as well you know!

Infact i honestly think if it wasn't for fear of bed sores I wouldn't get out of bed most days.
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pmsl boo, have you thought of trying one of those memory foam beds? it could help stop bed sores then you will be sorted lol
My secretary wanted a file off my desk and rather than traipse up a floor to come and pick it up, she phoned me up and asked me to put it in the lift ...... I ended up taking it down to her office (do not ask why we are on different floors, it makes no sense to me either)...
Lol aka pixi , that's got to take the biscuit :-D
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LOL at your secretary juggerling
Hi Pixi, you lazy mare. ;-)

And Boo, you move onto a post about cake quick enough. What you'd be like in the real world beggers belief. lol
Ahhh well cakes are another matter Dabby ;-)
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hi dabees :) long time no see, how ya doing?

I'm looking for someone to work in the theatre cafe i manage Boo, the pays bog standard but you can have all the cake, muffins and cookies you can eat.


Where do i sign????

In all seriousness- it's a really good job I don't work in a bakery or anything like that - I really would be the size of a house.
I'm very well thanks Pixi, and how are you? Still being a naughty lady? lol

Have one for me.....
Question Author
I'm fine ta :) lol at naughty lady. oh and request granted ;)
Just keep in mind.

get off you bum pixi xx

You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind

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