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sp1214 | 20:58 Thu 27th Mar 2008 | Computers
9 Answers
What functions are you missing in a laptop when it is less than 10% the size of a base unit.


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A decent keyboard and mouse
The ability to change or add components
The ability to have multiple storage devices
and, laptops are slooooooooowwwww
... a laptop is portable .... you can work in front of the telly ... or sitting on the loo.... if you use it on the train ... it should stop you using the *****phone ... while you watch a film ;-)
and you can eat a macdonalds and surf for free

on the down side
you can't waste your time playing the latest games ....
but you can waste your time doing even the most simple tasks

rojash ... don't forget with a laptop you can wedge it under the door to stop it slamming so it's not a complete waste of money.

on the loo?
To be honest the inside of most PC system units is about 70% empty space.

Biggest thing you miss on a laptop is the ability to upgrade the computer. It is very easy to add a new hard disk, or new graphics card, to a desktop PC. This is very difficult with a laptop.

Laptop components are often slightly less powerful than the PC components (hard disks are often slower for example).

Laptop screens sizes are usually limited to 15.4" or maybe 17" if you are lucky. I am using a 22" screen on my dekstop PC while writing this.
Here is a picture of the inside of a PC case, and as you can see, it is mostly empty space. esktop-internal.jpg

In fact take out the power supply and it is probably 90% empty space.
true vhg ... like my head ..... empty

but like my head ... the void helps keep my feet cool.
you've only to sit with a laptop on your laptop for a minute or two to realise that things 'aint what they used to be ....certain bits start to warm up ... which in turn warms up certain other bits ....
you could even need one of these

but you'd more likely end up with one of these ... -USB-Compact-Cooling-Cooler-Pad_W0QQitemZ18022 7064869QQihZ008QQcategoryZ96915QQssPageNameZWD VWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

It would largely depend on what sort of laptop you get, some highend laptops the answer would be very little but you will be paying much higher price to get desktop specs in a laptop, check alienware's laptops

If you go for a lowend laptop you will get slower cpu, smaller hard drive, smaller screen, lower power graphics card, but for most non gamer users they would probably be fine.

But it comes down to what you want your computer to do and what you are going to use it for and if you want a bulky desktop computer taking up the entire corner of a room or would rather have a little laptop that can be put in a bag and hidden away when not using it.

Best answer, get both, can't lose then

A Desktop isnt that empty when you factor in the mass of cables!

I added a couple of neon strip lights inside mine, as it has a big window on the side.
Im not entirely sure of the point of it. All you really see are thos damned cables, now lit up in blue neon!!!!
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I suppose the desktop will go the same way as the Cathrode ray tube TVs.

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