thnks for thinking of me. ive always struggle to have a good night sleep, but no had any strange sleep paraysis lately, did the night before i was due to move into my new place :)
it could have been stress etc... but i still worry about it. when i said i will try and not fight it off, but i couldnt i thought about it that night, but i did let it go but it felt it was getting worse and being dragged more further away (well it felt like it) so i had to fight to try and wake meself up.
ahhh, it will me on that, I used to get it really bad, dont really get it anymore, and if I do can control it soo much better....honestly it will gradually go away, and when it happends, just think of all the other ab users that get it, it will give you some comfort!!!
Anyways im just fine and dandy thanks, hope you are too! Glad I see you were on here tonight as I was thinking about how you were......Sweet Dreams! xxx
i dont know how to control it when it happens again, its frightening. it feels like those devils trying to dragg u away like the ones in the film Ghost!! :S
but i'l think of a way!!
sweet dreams lil, i should rest my head soon, hugs x
Just try and think of something else when its happening and relax...thats the key...relaxing, although I know its hard as its very frightening, but remember you are not alone and we have all survived it! Hugs and kisses coming your way! x