Ive started a thread in the "family" section about my daughter being bullied at school. My daughter is 10 and the girl doing the bullying is 11.
Presently, everything is verbal from this bully, allthough her teach described her as "very aggressive"
If this went further and turned physical against my daughter, how old does the offender have to be before we could get the police involved.
Now obviously this would be a complete last resort but i really want some amunition to threaten the head teacher with if she doesn't sort things out (forearmed is forewarned, knowledge is power and all that stuff)
I really hope this gets sorted out. I read your other thread. I can only imagine how awful it must be for you and your daughter. It is one of my worst nightmares and my little girl is only 4 so I've got it all to come!
Can you not get to the bully yourself on the quiet and give her an absolute rollicking?! I would be tempted to do this.
Sorry for not answering the question by the way!
Thanks tigwig. Taking the girl aside opens up a whole can of worms im afraid...not only in the law (im sure that if she made a complaint against me, it would be taken very seriously as she's only 11) and would also open me and my family up to retaliation by her dad/brothers/family.
Why not try and have a word with your local PCSO?
they may well be able to have words with the bully and their parents - the school may have one attached to the school who would be willing to at the very least, get an assembly arranged about bullying and what the repercussions are for both parties